Contact us

You can get more information about suitable products or support in designing a sustainable overall solution from our experienced salespeople. Our customer service helps in all situations, and at the bottom of the page you can also find the addresses and billing information of all our facilities.

Orbis provides custom data transfer solutions for all situations.

Customer service

We primarily ask you to contact the person in charge of the solution you are interested in or the salesperson who worked with you before. If you are not sure who you should contact, customer service will guide you forward.

Customer Service

+358 20 478 8600

Aino Nybacka

Sales Operations Manager

+358 40 141 8645

Anni Kesonen

Sales Assistant

+358 40 677 1671

Sales team

Other Staff

Here you can find contact information for product development, our own production, marketing and Orbis’ management. If you are not sure who you should contact, send a message to our customer service and you will be forwarded to the right person.


Vanha Kaarelantie 9, FI-01610 Vantaa, Finland

Mailing address
P.O.Box 15, FI-00421 Helsinki, Finland

Warehouse and pick-up
Taivaltie 5,
FI-01610 Vantaa, Finland
See the location in maps or check out an aerial image of the area.
Open on weekdays 8.00-16.00

Factory in Estonia

Orbis Oy Eesti Filiaal
Paju 13
EE-76506 Saue, Estonia                                          

VAT number EE101253109

Number: +372-6-517 080
Email: customerservice(at)

Billing information

Online invoicing

EDI/OVT ID: 003701122747
Operator ID (Maventa): 003721291126
Operator ID, if the intermediary is a bank: DABAFIHH

Other billing methods

If you are not yet able to send invoices electronically, please send the purchase invoices either by email as PDF files or by post to the address below.

Email: orbis.invoicing(at)
Billing address: Orbis Oy, PO Box 15, FI-00421 Helsinki

VAT number 0112274-7