The survey was conducted via an electronic form, and we received 58 individual replies from the contact persons of our customers. We warmly thank everyone who provided us with their valuable insights!
On the scale from 1 to 4, the median of our customers’ replies to the questions on our sales activities, offers, orders, web shop (Worbis), deliveries and deviations to them was 4. Accordingly, the median of customers’ views on product availability, Worbis product portfolio and product data availability was 3.
In the current state of the world, challenges in supply chains and logistics are present also at Orbis. We work hard to make sure that our customer deliveries continue in a timely manner. In addition, we continuously broaden the product variety in Worbis, and have kicked off a development project to enhance our product data management and enrichment.
The NPS score indicating the level of our customer satisfaction was 55 in this survey – great!

Below we have extracted a few comments from the open feedback:
”Our own contact person is always available, and communications is smooth. Big thanks for that.”
”It has always been just great to collaborate with Orbis, all things have been very well handled.”
“Reachability and quick responses have been on excellent level. It is important keep open the direct line between customer and sales to enable a quick process of problem solving on products and delivery issues.”
Also in the future, we would be happy to hear your feedback and development suggestions and answer your questions. Please contact us at: [email protected]